
    A tale from the East Side

    From our loyal client of 17 years on Power Street in Providence, RI:

    So, in December, after an unfortunate, faulty furnace disaster, she was the first person I called.  Pro that she is, she put me in touch with a company that sent 4 people to my house the next day. They worked in tandem to survey the problem and start wrapping and boxing lamps, all decor items, photographs, moving and covering furniture, rugs, pictures, all to clear space making it available for repair.  

    A month  later, when all the construction was completed, Tara and her troops descended, clearing every speck of dust and debris, replacing furniture and the other pieces where they belonged, making sure we could return to our home comfortably and safely. It was very impressive. We were amazed. At the time of the incident, I would never have believed 2 1/2 months later things would be back to normal. Tara is a professional. Her teams are extremely well selected and all equally well trained.  I trust them to take care of the place even when we’re away, knowing she will have it ready for us upon our return.


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